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Luca M. Possati is a Tenured Assistant Professor at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, specializing in human-technology interaction. He also holds a senior researcher position with the international research program Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDiT).

Previously, he contributed to the global initiative New Humanism in the Time of Neurosciences and Artificial Intelligence (NHNAI).

Trained as a philosopher, he has held positions as a researcher and lecturer at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, the University of Porto in Portugal, and the Institut Catholique in France. He has also been an associate researcher with the Fonds Ricoeur and the EHESS (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences).

His research focuses on the intersection of philosophy of technology, postphenomenology, and the psychology of technology, exploring how humans engage with and are shaped by technological systems. His methodological approach integrates insights from cognitive sciences, neuropsychoanalysis, design studies, and actor-network theory, allowing for a multidisciplinary analysis of the complex relationships between individuals, society, and technology. This combination of disciplines enables him to address both theoretical and practical questions about technology’s role in shaping human experience and behavior.

He has published numerous papers and books on phenomenology, and history of contemporary philosophy. He is the author of The Algorithmic Unconscious. How Psychoanalysis Helps in Understanding AI (Routledge, 2021).

You can find his cv here

The central argument of this paper is that the frameworks of responsible innovation (RI) and technology assessment (TA) are rooted in an antiquated political and geopolitical paradigm, thus necessitating a conceptual overhaul. This argument is supported by two primary reasons. First, RI and TA are not neutral towards technological innovation; instead, they inherently align with a specific political and geopolitical model: the liberal world order (LWO). This model currently faces significant challenges and crises, which I investigated through a literature review of RI and TA and a subsequent political and geopolitical analysis. Second, the very essence of our technologies has dramatically transformed over the past 20 years. We now live in a world dominated by intricate global engineering systems that are not only political but also geopolitical in nature. These transnational systems influence the decisions and interactions of nations. The current LWO framework struggles to effectively grasp and manage these influential global systems. In addition, this paper presents a reinterpreted version of Rodrik’s trilemma. This reformulation was designed to consolidate and expand upon the insights already gained. It revisits the issues identified, emphasising the urgency of revamping both TA and RI, particularly in light of the unique challenges posed by the Anthropocene. As we embark on this reassessment, the invaluable insights from philosophical reflections should not be underestimated.


This book develops an original theoretical framework for understanding human-technology relations. The author’s approach, which he calls technoanalysis, analyzes artificial intelligence based on Freudian psychoanalysis, biosemiotics, and Latour’s actor-network theory.

How can we communicate with AI to determine shared values and objectives? And what, ultimately, do we want from machines? These are crucial questions in our world, where the influence of AI-based technologies is rapidly growing. Unconscious dynamics influence AI and digital technology and understanding them is essential to better controlling AI systems. This book’s unique methodology— which combines psychoanalysis, biosemiotics, and actor-network theory—reveals a radical reformulation of the problem of the human mind. Technoanalysis views the mind as a hybrid network of humans and nonhuman actants in constant interaction with one another. The author argues that human unconscious dynamics influence and shape technology, just as technology influences and shapes human unconscious dynamics. He proceeds to show how this conception of the relationship between the unconscious and technology can be applied to social robotics and AI.

Unconscious Networks will appeal to scholars and advanced students interested in philosophy of technology, philosophy of artificial intelligence, psychoanalysis, and science and technology studies.

“In this illuminating book, Luca M. Possati explores the unconscious dimension of Artificial Intelligence. Its main thesis is that in the age of big data and self-learning neural networks ‘machine behavior’ has become dark and impenetrable and is in need for interpretation. Combining Lacanian psychoanalysis and Latour’s actor-network theory the author offers an original and timely analysis of how we project our deepest desires in AI technologies and pleas for a new ‘subcortical AI’.”
Jos de Mul
Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands